Important Dates

Congress Dates : September 04 - 07, 2024
Congress Dates : to be announced
Abstract Submission

Click on the link below to submit the 6th International 35th Biophysics Congress notification:

Deadline for submission of papers: 29/07/2024

Congress oral and poster presentations will be published as a special issue in the European Biophysics Journal. You can access the journal's website here:

I. Paper Submission Rules

  • Abstract submission for our conference is REQUIRED in both Turkish and English, presented as a SINGLE ABSTRACT with Turkish Title / English Title examples listed consecutively on the system. Your submission can be either Oral or Poster presentation based on your preference.
  • Abstracts sent to the congress will be collected only through the Online Abstract Module. Regardless of the system, notifications via e-mail or post will not be accepted.
  • The author submitting the paper must upload his abstract to the system after registering for the congress.
  • The names and surnames of the authors should be filled in according to their order in the study, and the "Presenting Author" box to the left of the name of the person who will present the work should be checked.
  • The name of the author who will present the paper and the name of the participant who uploaded the abstract to the system must match.
  • In order for the abstract to be included in the congress book, at least one of the authors must register for the congress.
  • To avoid any communication problems regarding your notifications, do not forget to enter your e-mail address and mobile phone number when registering to the system. Papers without contact information in the system will not be evaluated.
  • The Scientific Board decides whether the panel and conference for which applications are made to be presented at scientific meetings will also be oral or poster presentations.
  • The studies to be awarded among the oral and poster presentations presented at the meetings are selected by the Scientific Board in accordance with the Turkish Biophysical Society (TBD) Congress Organizing Directive.

II. Paper Submission Rules

  • Papers must be sent in accordance with the deadline announced via the link announced on TBD's official website. Regardless of the system, notifications via e-mail or post will not be accepted.
  • The author who applies for a paper and will present the paper must have completed the congress registration process.
  • An author can apply to make a maximum of two presentations, with a maximum of one oral presentation. Can take part in more papers as co-author without making a presentation.
  • Authors may choose to have their papers be "oral" and/or "poster", but the presentation format of the papers may be changed by the Scientific Board in line with the referee evaluations.

III. Abstract Writing Rules

  • Abstracts should be prepared in both Turkish and English and by paying attention to spelling rules.
  • The abstract (excluding title, authors and institution names) should not exceed 300 words in total .
  • The number of keywords should be at least 3 and at most 5 words.
  • The title should explain the content of the study. Except for words with a special meaning in the abstract title, only the first letter of all words should be capitalized and the other letters should be lowercase.
  • If abbreviations other than chemical symbols and international units are to be used in the text, the full expansion should be written where it is first mentioned in the text, followed by parentheses, and the abbreviated version to be used later should be written.
  • Author names should be written in lowercase letters, with only the first letter capitalized.
    Example: A… Y ….
    titles should not be used in author names .
  • The names and addresses of the institutions where the authors work should be clearly stated. For example : ……… University …… Faculty/School, …… Department/Department.
  • If there is any project support or research support, it should be stated at the end of the summary.
  • Ethics committee approval of the studies presented at the congress is the responsibility of the authors. Papers found to not have ethics committee approval will be removed from abstract books.
  • Turkish Abstract should be structured and written using the headings of introduction and purpose, methods, findings and conclusion:
  • --Introduction and Purpose:The purpose and objectives of the study, the hypothesis or problem being tested should be defined.
    --Methods: Method( s ) and subjects/animals, treatments and interventions should be described and described. Statistical analysis methods should be written.
    --Findings: It should be written as clearly as possible and must include statistical significance values (P value), if any.
    --Conclusion: The data and the main result of the study should be clearly stated and the importance of these results should be emphasized.
  • English Abstract ( maximum 300 words excluding the title , authors and affiliations)
    --Title , Authors , Affiliations
    --Methods :
    --Results :
    --Conclusions :

IV. Panel and Conference Submission Rules

  • Panel and Conference submission rules. The principles specified in the "Abstract Preparation Rules for Oral and Poster Presentations" will be followed.
  • Each abstract will be a maximum of 300 words. Panel title, panelist names and surnames, and institutional information will not be included in this number.
  • Panel application will be made by the Panel Chairman. The Panel Chair is responsible for obtaining the approval of the panelists regarding the topic, scope and participants of the panel.
  • The panel will consist of at least three and at most five panelists, one of whom is the Panel Chair.
  • The total duration of the panel is 90 minutes. This time will be appropriately divided between the introductory and introductory speech by the Panel Chair and the panel speeches.
  • A summary for the entire panel will be prepared by the Panel Chair. This summary will focus on topics such as the subject of the panel, its meaning and importance, and its contributions to the congress participants and biophysical science.
  • Panelists will prepare a summary of their presentations. The summary will focus on issues such as the background of the subject, its dimensions, the perspectives it contains, and its contributions to current developments.
  • For conference and panel suggestions, please send your abstracts to Scientific Board members Prof. Dr. Bahar Güntekin
    ( and Prof. Dr. Ayşe Demirkazık ( send it to in the same e-mail.

V. Verbal Presentations and Posters:

  • Oral presentations will be prepared according to the time determined by the Congress Organizing Committee (10 minutes presentation + 5 minutes discussion), and presentation dates and times will be announced on the congress website.
  • Posters will be prepared in dimensions of 70 X 110 cm so that they can be read from a distance of at least 1 meter.
  • Posters will be exhibited at the date, time and place to be notified by the organizing committee.
  • Posters that have not been exhibited and oral presentations that have not been presented will be marked as "not presented" in the abstract book or will be omitted.